Anna Radzievskaya
Product manager & Digital Marketer working with remote tech teams, passionate about startups and communications
What I can help with
Based on my experience in Startup development and Digital marketing I offer wide range of different services which are essential for small businesses
Business Consulting
If your are looking for new growth points in your business, I can help you to find out new opportunity and start your business growth
Digital Marketing
Help businesses with launch of a marketing compagne, creating landing pages or development of a marketing strategy
Analytics & Unit economics
If your need to create transparent analytics of your business such as retention & Cohort analysis, Unit economy, Supply and Customer acquisition cost
Fundraising Consulting
If you are looking for investors and have doubts about pitch deck or financial models, I can help you revise it and rebuild really
Feel free to write or call.
Phone: +1 415 909 06 27

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